(360) 734-0246

321 Telegraph Road
Bellingham, WA 98226

Microdermabrasion vs. Dermaplaning - How are they different?

First, we will delve into what Dermaplaning is. Your Aesthetician uses a medical grade single blade to gently but effectively remove peach fuzz and dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. Using expert training, holding the skin safely taut, and delicate pressure, she reveals the glowing healthy skin below. It leaves your skin clean, exfoliated, and soft. Dermaplaning is an instant gratification treatment, allowing finishing products to permeate the skin better, makeup to sit better after, and causing no erythema (redness) or aggression to the skin. You will leave your appointment with immediately healthier skin.
Dermaplaning can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, creates a healthier more radiant appearance, and increases the absorption of topical products.
Contrary to popular old wives tales, shaving/cutting of the hair will not result in thicker or darker hair growth. Vellus hair will grow back over time, but the texture or color of the hair will not change.
Dermaplaning has been described as a “cats tongue” feeling. Slightly exfoliating but not painful or uncomfortable. Dermaplaning can be performed on even the most sensitive of skin in professional hands. Your aesthetician is in complete control of the pressure used and the amount of passes done on any particular area.

Microdermabrasion creates minor abrasions by using pressure from a vacuum to drag the skin across diamond crystals, or crystal microdermabrasion which uses crystals to “sandblast” the skin. While this process does remove dead skin cells, it does not remove the vellus (peach fuzz) hairs, and there is a lot less control - making it an inappropriate treatment for many skin types. Microdermabrasion is inappropriate for some skin types, including those with rosacea, sensitive skin, broken capillaries, and clients with acne.
Some clients can experience mild pain or discomfort with Microdermabrasion, and it can result in erythema (redness), excess warming of the skin, and skin sensitivity for many people. Most clients can expect to see results in 3-5 treatments.

Now that you know the difference between the two, we can compare the benefits!

Softer Skin – Both! Both Dermablading and Microdermabrasion remove dead skin cells, however your Aesthetician has much more control with Dermablading.
Hair removalDermablading only! Microdermabrasion has no effect on facial hair reduction.
Reduction in Fine Lines and Wrinkles – Both! However, results are more immediate with Dermablading.
For Acne – Neither treatment is recommended for clients with active acne breakouts.
For Pregnant ClientsDermablading is a great treatment if you are pregnant or nursing and want exfoliation without the risk of using harsh chemicals.

Conclusion? Dermablading wins on all fronts! Dermaplaning can be incorporated into a normal facial or performed as a standalone treatment, and most people benefit from a monthly visit. Post treatment, your Aesthetician will be using active ingredient finishing serums and moisturizers, and will protect your skin with SPF. You should use a broad spectrum SPF in the days following to protect your fresh clean skin, and book your next appointment between 21-30 days after to keep up optimal results!

Call Darlene today to book your Dermaplaning appointment, 360-734-0246, and experience healthier skin right away!


#Bellingham, #Skincare, #Dermaplaning, #Dermablading, #Dermaplaning Bellingham, #Microdermabrasion, #Wrinkles, #AntiAging, #Whatcom County, #Benefits Dermaplaning

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